Uterus With Both Tubes
Uterus, Hydrosalpinx Both Tubes...
Hydrosalpinx Both Tubes...
Uterus With Ovarian Cyst...
Soft Uterus of 400 gms
Uterus, Hydrosalpinx...
Uterus And A Right Ovarian
Both Horns Of Uterus
Fibroid Uterus And Adnexal Mass
Fibroid Uterus Weighing 450grams
Uterus With Ovarian Cyst
Adenomyosis Uterus With ‘chocolate cyst’
Enlarge View Of chocolate cyst
Bilateral tubo-ovarian masses
Bilatral ovarian cysts
Broadligament fibroid
Hydrosalpinx with uterus
Large Hydrosalpinx both tubes
Right side ovarian cyst ,tube
430 grams fibroid uterus reomved
430 grams fibroid uterus
A large unilocular ovarian cyst
Uterus with right adnexal cyst
Uterus with right tubo-ovarian mass and adhesions